FRNC-5PC is a rating program for general purpose fired heaters. Based on user-supplied heater geometry, combustion data, and process information, the program calculates operating parameters such as firing rate, heater efficiency, tube skin temperatures and required tube thicknesses, gas-side temperatures and draft, process temperatures, pressure drop and flow regimes, heat duties and fluxes, and much more.
FRNC-5PC simulates entire radiant sections of most heater types, coil configurations, tube and fin types, ducting, stacks, and external transfer lines. FRNC-5PC can simulate the heat recovery sections of all types of furnaces, boilers and turbines.
FRNC-5PC has a user-friendly graphical input system and multiple, user-controlled output options, such as heater data sheets, graphical output, spreadsheet output and tabular output. The input system contains on-line help and input limit and error checking.
Following are some of the many uses of FRNC-5PC:
- Reduce Heater Operating Costs
- Lower heater fuel consumption
- Evaluate air leakage, air preheaters and heat recovery coils
- Increase Heater Capacity
- Identify thermal, hydraulic and draft limits
- Model process controls
- Minimize excess air for NOx control
- Evaluate Process Changes
- Stream rates, temperatures and compositions
- Steam injection
- Process stream flow regimes and vaporization
- HAZOPS and Process Safety Management reviews
- Check New Heater Designs
- Optimize capital expenditures
- Determine firebox and overall heater efficiencies
- Evaluate most boiler types
- Minimize Unplanned Shutdowns
- Provide detailed tube skin temperature and tubewall thickness profiles
- Evaluate fouling and coking effects
- Train engineers to troubleshoot heaters
User Interface

Firebox Data

Coil Section Data

Steam/Water Injection

Hydrocarbon Mixture

Firing Conditions


Output Spreadsheets


