On August 28, 2017, PFR Engineering released REFORM-3PC v8.0.1. Version 8.0.1 adds many of the same enhancements and functionalities that have recently been added to FRNC-5PC, PFR’s flagship software. Following are some of the other improvements made to REFORM-3PC:
- Added the ability to launch REFORM-3PC from a command prompt or from an Excel macro, outside of the GUI itself.
- Changed the numeric values in the ‘Output Spreadsheets’ from text to true numbers.
- Improved the Quick-Edit panel to alert the user when terrace-wall heights do not add up to the overall tube length, or when secondary reformer air stream composition, GTE composition, fuel composition, or percent fuel combusted at different firebox levels do not add up to 100%.
- Added an option to automatically open the Full Output file after program execution, instead of the ‘Output Spreadsheets.’
- Made a slight change to the combustion air composition to be consistent with the FRNC-5PC program, since both programs are used in tandem to simulate the Reformer Firebox (REFORM-3PC) and the Reformer Convection Section (FRNC-5PC).
- Increased the maximum reformer feed inlet pressure that is allowed.
- Added versatility to the Output Plots by allowing the user to control what variable to put on the X-axis and what variable to put on the Y-axis.
If you would like additional information about REFORM-3PC v8.0.1 or any of the other PFR Engineering software products, please email us at query@pfrengineering.com